New South Wales Sikh Motorcycle Club Promotes Peace, Equality and Human Rights at an Annual Festival

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Sikhs and Scientologists combine efforts to raise the bar on human rights

Every April, Sikh communities around the world celebrate the Sikh faith festival of Vaisakhi with a procession known as Nagar Kirtan. The event not only brings the Sikh community together but also promotes Sikh beliefs and community activism to the wider society. Human rights and social justice are central to Sikh beliefs. The religion holds that everyone is equal in the eyes of God and must be treated with respect and equality. This is why the Singhs Social Motorcycle Club of Australia (Singhs SMC) joined forces with United for Human Rights New South Wales, a human rights campaign supported by the Church of Scientology, to raise awareness of an important human rights issue affecting Australians.

Gurū Nānak (1469–1539), founder of Sikhism, was centuries ahead of his time. He embraced human rights, advocated the principle of human equality across caste and religion, and called on Sikhs to be active in promoting this.

At this year’s Nagar Kirtan in Coffs Harbour, a city on the north coast of New South Wales, Singhs SMC promoted the importance of ending domestic violence. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, one in six women, 15 and older, have experienced physical or sexual violence by a current or previous partner.

Volunteers from United for Human Rights NSW walked alongside the bikers, handing out booklets that raise awareness of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Some 3,500 local residents gathered for the festival.

Singhs SMC’s support of human rights at the Coffs Harbour Nagar Kirtan was “a powerful testament to the spirit of unity, compassion, and activism of the Sikh community and its collective commitment to creating a more just and inclusive society,” said a representative of United for Human Rights NSW.

United for Human Rights and its initiative for young people, Youth for Human Rights International, are supported by Scientology Churches and Scientologists, making it possible to provide its educational materials free of charge to educators, civic and community leaders, and anyone wishing to educate youth or adults on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The program is inspired by humanitarian and Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard’s belief that “Human rights must be made a fact, not an idealistic dream.”

For more information visit the United for Human Rights website, watch The Story of Human Rights and Thirty Rights Brought to Life on the Scientology Network or watch episodes of Voices for Humanity to see how changemakers of all faiths, traditions and cultures use United for Human Rights and other Scientology-sponsored humanitarian programs to extend help and uplift their communities.

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