Kamala Chameleon: Will the Real Kamala Harris Please Stand Up?

It’s been exactly one month since President Joe Biden endorsed Kamala Harris for President,and the American people have yet to see an original, authentic thought emerge from the Democrat savior.

Thus far, Kamala has copied policies from former President Donald Trump and his running mate, J.D. Vance. She has appropriated an iconic poster in an attempt to capture the nostalgia of Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign. And she’s even parodied catchphrases from Biden’s campaign.

It lends credence to those critics who describe Harris as little more than a copycat, or a chameleon changing hues – or even accents – based on her environment.

Would the real Kamala Harris please stand up?

Since being installed as the Democrat nominee, the first policy proposal Kamala Harris publicly introduced was ripped directly from Trump’s platform. Just last week, she announced a “no tax on tips” plan that Trump initially called for back in June.

The media, being the mindless sheep they are, pretended Harris had introduced a novel concept.

Having successfully duped the DNC mouthpieces masquerading as journalists, she set about stealing another platform, this time from Vance.

Vance, in an interview with CBS, vowed to work with Congress to increase child tax credits to $5,000.

“I’d love to see a child tax credit that’s $5,000 per child. But you, of course, have to work with Congress to see how possible and viable that is,” said Vance. “President Trump has been on the record for a long time supporting a bigger child tax credit, and I think you want it to apply to all American families.”

Days later, Vice President Harris announced plans for a $6,000 child tax credit. Copycat Kamala had struck again.

It isn’t just the major policy items either, of which she has introduced exactly zero new ideas. (The New York Times reported this week, that Kamala Harris “does not have a policy page on her campaign website.”) It’s the subtle campaign theft her team has engaged in in the few short weeks since her party lifted a middle finger to Democracy by simply appointing her as the nominee.

The artist behind Obama’s “Hope” campaign poster produced a new version for Harris called “Forward.”

It is an exact design replica with colors inverted and just the single-word slogan changed. The practically photocopied poster has appeared prominently at the Democratic National Convention this week.

Her campaign even mimicked Biden’s famous phrase, “What a bunch of malarkey”, in a Wednesday morning fundraising email defending her running mate, Tim Walz, from accusations that he was a nut.

“What a bunch of baloney,” they declared, using a slightly different ‘folksy’ term.

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But then, is it any surprise that Harris can’t come up with her own material? Kamala’s authenticity is lacking to such a degree that she makes the animatronic Hillary Clinton look lively.

When she’s not stealing policy platforms from other candidates, or posters from more polished campaigns, or slogans from a man whose mind has turned to mush, she even steals accents.

It was just weeks ago that Harris used a fake Southern twang to pander to a crowd of voters at a rally in Atlanta.

This is a theme for Kamala. Whether she’s using a French accent to speak to officials in France, or she’s using child actors pretending to be excited about her discussions of space, or she’s plagiarizing Martin Luther King, Jr. with a story about “freedom”.

Nary an authentic bone in her body. Nothing about her is real.

Only once she is in the Oval Office as president will the chameleon revert to her original form as an America-destroying, open-border embracing, price-fixing Communist extremist. 

This is the one area in which Kamala Harris excels – pretending to be something she isn’t. Don’t be fooled.

The ever-changing Kamala Chameleon must be defeated in November.

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