Joe Biden's DNC Swan Song Reflects His Life: Poorly Informed, Vindictive, and Dishonest

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You’ve got to say one thing about Joe Biden: Throughout his long career in taxpayer-funded parasitism public service, he has been consistent. Consistently wrong, consistently poorly informed, consistently and deliberately dishonest, consistently mean, and consistently vindictive. His former boss, Barack Obama, famously cautioned us that we should never underestimate Joe Biden’s ability to screw things up (that wasn’t the word that Obama used, but you get the idea). Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates said of Joe Biden, “I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”

Last night, at the Democrats’ Chicago convention, we saw Joe Biden give the speech that will be seen as his swan song, and he was consistent: Dishonest, vindictive, mean, and wrong.

His lies were legion. He spoke of his administration’s record on COVID-19, and everything he said was false.

In fact, his 2020 campaign attacked then-President Donald Trump for trying to re-open schools. The Trump administration came under fire, not only from Democrats but also from the legacy media, for trying to re-open schools. The COVID-19 mess left the nation’s children missing not only a year to two years of schooling but also the social interaction that is so vital to building capable, competent adults. Instead, the COVID panic brigade locked our nation’s children in their homes, and we are still counting the cost of that mistake:

Joe Biden also lied about his plan to build half a million electric vehicle charging stations; when in reality, 7.5 billion taxpayer dollars later, a grand total of seven – seven – stations have been built. Oh, they may have had a plan to build half a million charging stations, but that effort, led by the utterly incompetent Secretary of Transportation “Pothole Pete” Buttigieg, was and is an utter failure, not a bragging point:

And worst of all, he lied about his administration’s record on the border. In fact, illegal immigrant “encounters” have spiked since the day Joe Biden took office. And it’s not just the numbers of people coming in – it’s the kinds of people who are coming in that are such a matter of concern.

See Related: National Security Nightmare – Suspected Terrorists Entering US Illegally Up 2,500 Percent Under Biden

But there was so much more than just his dishonesty. We’ve seen Joe Biden lie about so many things over the many decades he has served as a mediocre politician, that we’ve become accustomed to it. But on Monday night, his accelerating mental decline was also on full display. My colleague Nick Arama documented that part of his speech.

See Related: Biden DNC Speech Is a Historic Trainwreck – With a Slurring, Stumbling, Screaming Speech Full of Lies

Nick writes:

It was an incredibly bad speech. It could have been about his legacy, such as it is. Instead, it became an angry, ranting speech full of lies and unhappiness. Every lie he regularly tells about Trump, he threw in here. He didn’t seem to understand that this is it. It was as though he never scaled his acceptance speech back. 

Now he’s off to California for vacation for a week. So much for campaigning for Kamala Harris. 

My colleague Bonchie also captured what was the most egregious howler of the speech–Joe Biden’s inexplicable statement that the antisemitic protestors outside the venue “have a point.”

See Related: Joe Biden Delivers Insanely Disgusting Off-Script Line During DNC Speech That Has Everyone Talking

According to Joseph Robinette Biden, the terrorist-supporting lunatics outside the DNC who are promising to “bring the war home” while burning American flags “have a point.” Here’s a reminder of exactly who he was talking about. 

So, we can now bid farewell – we can hope – to one of the most dishonest, feckless, and incompetent politicians in the history of the republic. Oh, yes, he technically still has several months left in office, officially, but I think we all know he’s not the one in charge. At least he’s finally out of the picture. He was pushed out of the campaign for a second term by, as is nearly certain, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, and likely a few other high-profile Democrats, after one of the most disastrously bad debate performances in history.

While it’s a relief to see the door slamming shut on Scranton Joe’s graft-ridden political hayride, he leaves us with a leftist legacy: His vice president, Kamala Harris, who with her running mate Tim Walz has formed a team to push an economic policy that would have Karl Marx clapping his hands in glee.

Kamala Harris, unlike Joe Biden, isn’t struggling with dementia. She is, however, a committed leftist, one who would put a federal bureaucrat in every grocery store to monitor profit margins for signs of “price gouging,” who would dump trillions more fiat dollars into an economy already struggling with inflation, and who would shut down the American energy sector in the name of the climate.

Vice President Harris will speak on Thursday evening. Now that, friends, ought to be a thing to behold. Stay tuned; it’s going to get worse before it gets better.

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