Golden Foundation Celebrates 12 Years of Artist Residencies With Auction and Benefit

In 2012, the Sam & Adele Golden Foundation for the Arts opened its doors to a one-of-a-kind artist residency for artists working with paint in central New York. Just several hundred yards from the Golden Artist Colors manufacturing facility, a 19th-century barn has been transformed into a 21st-century artist residency, with large studio spaces and private apartments. Artists-in-residence participate in a completely unique opportunity to explore the widest, most innovative range of materials and technology available today for professional artists working with paint.

The artists who gravitate to apply to the Golden Residency Program are artists at all stages in their careers who are ready to experiment and discover new ways of working. What we’ve discovered through working directly with artists is that they rarely have the luxury of fully immersing themselves in exploring materials, which includes having the ability to fail and move on to the next thing. With unlimited access to acrylics, oils, watercolor, and PanPastel materials from Golden Artist Colors, artists can open themselves up to so many more possibilities in their work that they’ll continue to explore for decades to come.

This year’s art auction and benefit, held on August 3 at Golden Artist Colors in New Berlin, New York, celebrates these connections with artists and their investigations in various paint materials. The evening will feature over 170 artworks through a silent auction, followed by a live auction. Additionally, an online auction will run from July 23 through August 5, allowing supporters near and far to participate.

Whether you attend in person, bid online, or simply share our mission with your friends, your contribution makes a difference. Together, we can ensure that artists have the resources and opportunities they need to create, explore, and inspire.

To learn more and participate, visit

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