Fox News' Bret Baier Predicts 'Shift' on Kamala Harris, As Biden Continues to Go Down in Flames

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So who’d a thunk it, just a week ago?

That Democrats would be lining up to call on Joe Biden to drop out of the 2024 presidential election, I mean. And even more bizarre, that at least some of those terrified Democrats would be calling for the once-unthinkable: Cackling Kamala Harris to become the party’s nominee.

Yet, that is exactly where we now find ourselves.

As I wrote in an article earlier on Wednesday, one such Democrat is former Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan, who effusively praised Harris, noted lover of Venn diagrams, in a Tuesday op-ed for Newsweek:

After deep reflection over these past few days, I strongly believe that our best path forward is Kamala Harris. Kamala was the highlight of a historically dreadful night. Across cable news stations, the Vice President’s performance was stellar, a ray of light in the darkness. 

Those who questioned her chops over the past several years were rebuked by a polished, confident leader communicating clearly in the throes of a political meltdown of epic proportions. I loved watching it. Our vice-president was masterful.

Ryan also called Harris “masterful” and “brilliant,” a surrealistic moment in itself.

READ: Looks Like James Clyburn Wants Biden Gone, Too: Democrat Kingmaker to ‘Tell Him What I Really Feel’

Panicky comments from an increasingly panicked Democrat Party? About Harris?

One guy who doesn’t think so, meaning he thinks the shift is calculated, is Fox News’ “Special Report” anchor Bret Baier who is, in my not-so-humble opinion, the best pure news anchor in the business. During an appearance on Wednesday’s edition of “Fox & Friends,” Baier went bottom-line with his political analysis:

What has changed in the past 24 hours is we are starting to get more internal polls and more and more external polls — public polls — about the ramifications of Thursday’s debate. 

And there are internal polls — we are told by Democratic lawmakers — that show Joe Biden now losing Virginia, New Hampshire, and New Mexico to Donald Trump. That is a massive shift, and would be game changer in the Electoral College. …

Those kinds of numbers scare the crap out of everybody on down the ticket because they realize that losses at the top of the ticket hurt their chances to … take over the House and hold onto the Senate.

After telling Fox co-host Lawrence Jones that he does “think the dam is breaking” against Biden, Baier added: I wouldn’t be surprised if we see something, very quickly.”

The conversation then shifted to Harris, with Baier telling Jones the biggest indicator he sees in the liberal media that Biden could be on the way out is the sudden plethora of glowing reports about Harris:

I think the biggest indicator that this is shifting … is seeing As this was breaking, you were seeing more and more stories about how great Vice President Harris really is. And how great she is … behind the scenes at working with people; she’s really savvy on the issues, and suddenly this shift — this vibe towards Vice President Harris — I think you’re going to see in coming days, because that’s the easiest way to transition this ticket.

Not only does she get access to the money,” Baier said, adding: “She also defends the administration on what’s it done, and it’s not a problem for the party.” After a quick second thought, he corrected himself: “It is a problem for the party because she sometimes has lower ratings than President Biden.

Again, who’d a thunk it? 

Even worse, assuming Baier’s prediction about Harris stands, and then the unthinkable happens on November 5, dare we say it out loud? Or even put it into print? President Kamala Harris.

God save us.


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