Even CNN's Erin Burnett Admits How 'Huge' an RFK Bump May Be for Trump

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s endorsement of former President Donald Trump is driving the left out of their gourds. 

It was a huge historic move to have a Kennedy endorse a Republican, particularly this Republican, who the left has so demonized. The Democrats are trying to paint Joe Biden as a “George Washington” deserving of Mount Rushmore, as though he made some kind of sacrificial move when he was pushed out of the race in a Democrat elite coup against him. 

Kennedy’s move was an actual noble move, a sacrifice of his own personal ambition, in the best interests of the country and the American people. 

READ MORE:UPDATED: WATCH: RFK Jr. Appears With Trump As Special Guest at Glendale, AZ Event; Full RFK Jr. Remarks

I wrote earlier about how it sent Bill Kristol even further off the rails, making a historical reference that was just ridiculous. Democrats, including Kennedy’s family, had meltdowns over it. 

READ MORE: Bill Kristol’s Crazy Cope Over RFK’s Trump Endorsement Shows Just How Desperate the Anti-Trump/Left Is

Kennedy Family Gets Deservedly Mocked After Statement on RFK Jr. Suspending Campaign and Endorsing Trump

As the DNC Lied, Kamala Harris’ Odds to Win the Presidency Died According to Betting Site

Bottom line? It could have a big impact on the election, as even CNN’s Erin Burnett had to acknowledge. This must have been difficult for CNN to say. She laid out the numbers and said they were “huge”: 

“It is everything,” she said, noting that RJK Jr had five or six percentage points in the battleground states and that could be the difference. 

We don’t have polls from past the DNC quite yet, but there was a Polymarket betting odds bump for Trump during the DNC:

Trump’s chance of winning is up over Harris in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, and North Carolina. 

The current Real Clear Politics polling has Trump up in those same five of the seven battleground states: Arizona +0.2, Nevada +1.4, Pennsylvania +0.2, Georgia +1.0, and North Carolina +0.9. He’s down in Wisconsin and Michigan, according to the RCP average, with Wisconsin at -1.0 and Michigan at 2.0. Those numbers are before the DNC and the RFK Jr. endorsement. Those numbers would work out to 287 to 251 Electoral votes, giving Trump more than enough to win. 

If Trump picks up even two or three percentage points from the RFK Jr endorsement, with the numbers as they presently are, that could be as Burnett admitted, “everything.” It could potentially cinch the win for him.

We are likely to see the numbers get a bump from this next week. But it has to look good for Trump at this point: 

Prepare for the massive leftist freakout to come. 

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