The New Yorker's Response to Trump Campaign Request for Correction to Debunked Claim Was Something Else

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There has been a lot of understandable ire directed towards so-called “fact checkers” in the mainstream media in the aftermath of Tuesday night’s presidential debate between GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump and Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris.

For instance, CNN’s Daniel Dale – incredibly but not surprisingly – actually declared with a straight face that though “Trump has been staggeringly dishonest,” during the debate “Harris has been overwhelmingly (though not entirely) factual.”

It was, of course, a wildly false statement in and of itself, as RedState extensively documented.

READ MORE–>> The ‘Staggeringly Dishonest’ Loser of the Night: Here’s Lookin’ at You, CNN ‘Fact Checker’ Daniel Dale

Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler was on the same wavelength, gushing over how the biased moderators of the ABC News debate, David Muir and Linsey Davis, handled things.

“Muir and Davis were well-prepared and might have provided a model for how moderators handle debates in the future,” he gaslighted in a lengthy Twitter/X thread praising their efforts at doing the heavy lifting for Kamala Harris.

Over at The New Yorker, writer Susan Glasser was one of several “journalists” to laugh and bash Trump for the claim made during the debate that Kamala “wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison. This is a radical left liberal that would do this.”

In response, Glasser wrote:

His line about how the Vice-President “wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison” was pretty memorable, too. What the hell was he talking about? No one knows, which was, of course, exactly Harris’s point. 

Trump’s line caused grins and giggles and incredulous reactions not just from prominent media figures like Glasser but also Democrat members of Congress like Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY), who tweeted “He says anything. He just put words together that scares [sic] people and barely forms sentences.”

The problem with all the mockery was that Trump’s claim was true, as evidenced by an article from CNN of all places, that had been published the day before the debate, and which detailed Harris’ answers to a 2019 ACLU questionnaire:

Incredibly, when Glasser was contacted by the Free Beacon, which reported that the Trump campaign asked the New Yorker for a correction, she conveniently shifted gears and acted like she was never actually questioning the story:

To make matters worse, Free Beacon reporter Joe Gabriel Simonson added on Twitter that “In a subsequent exchange, Glasser’s editor said the New Yorker does not ‘see a need to issue a correction.'”

Anyone wondering why trust in the media is at all-time lows needs to look no further than the New Yorker story and how they’ve doubled down instead of doing the right thing journalistically by issuing at the very least a clarification and, at most, a correction. You think you hate the media enough, but you don’t.

Related: Brian Stelter Dunked Into Next Week After Hot Take on Debate Moderators vs. Trump Completely Misses Point

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